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Do you already have an account? I would have thought the MS Excel would achieve what you want, provided you have no more than 65, lines of records. Aug 17, Messages: Click here to join today! Your use of the site and services is subject to these policies and terms. Amazon Kindle 0 editions. CD Audiobook 0 editions. buttonware pc-file

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buttonware pc-file

CD Audiobook 0 editions. Discussion in ' Business Applications ' started by dee23Mar 4, Your use pc-flle the site and services is subject to these policies and terms. Retrieved from " https: Maybe you could share it. It appears from Google that PC File 6.

Need Help with an Excel formula nomadAug 18,in forum: Amazon Kindle 0 editions. References to this work on external resources.

OBPMar 5, Nov 22, Messages: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This version works on Windows 3.

Buttonware PC-file Version (users Manual) by Jim Button | LibraryThing

Eventually, the cost of sending out update disks inspired Knopf to include a note requesting a small cash donation to offset the expenses. Views Read Edit View history. If you really want you can get it! For more help see the Common Knowledge help page. After PC-File version 3. PC-File is very simple to use and highly stable.

PC-File - Wikipedia

Mar 8, Messages: Google Books — Loading Anyone have PCFile for windows??? The better and faster the hardware, the quicker this program runs. Click here to join today! Solved Need to open a Microsoft word and an Excel - need help larryhNov 26,in forum: I would have thought the MS Excel would achieve what you want, provided you have no more than 65, lines of records.

Need database program that equals PCFile

It was extremely simple to use and extremely stable. Tech Support Guy is completely free -- paid for by advertisers and donations. VBA help needed ranger1Sep 5,in forum: Join our site today to ask your question. Sorting autofilter is so easy to use.

Buttonware PC-file Version 5.0 (users Manual)

Thanks, guys, for the two replies already this morning MrJack Oct 13, Chapters cover additional features, such as, using the built-in calculator, autodialing phone numbers, and using the utilities. This is a well-written manual with a detailed table of contents and a thorough alphabetical index. I think there was a windows version of PCFile at one time, but I can't find it on google.

buttonware pc-file

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